Services for Clinicians

Sexually Addictive Behaviors and Intimacy Disorders

  • Assessment – utilizing interviews and online assessment questionnaires developed by Patrick Carnes to clarify current difficulties and past history so as to assess the extent to which a person may have sexually addictive behavior, and, if so, the options for overcoming this problem.
  • Consultation – regarding issues in treatment of individuals, couples and families
  • Collaborative treatment – in situations in which a clinician is treating an individual and needs a referral for the spouse or the couple, or in situations in which a couple is being seen for therapy and an individual therapist is needed. To the extent that clients are willing to give permission for communication, I prefer to work collaboratively on behalf of our shared clients.

Presentations – assessment/treatment of sexual addiction & intimacy disorders for health and mental health practitioners, clergy, and educators

  • Triage for sexual addiction – six screening questions to ask patients as part of regular physical or mental health assessments to screen for possible sex addiction, a clinically validated tool known as PATHOS.
  • Diagnosis & treatment of sex addiction – Overview of the clinical definition of sex addiction as a brain disease by the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) and the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM); the increase in numbers of people affected; treatment protocols; prognosis for successful recovery; health problems that may be indicators of addiction; screening questions to ask patients as part of regular examination; and referral sources for assessment and treatment.

Click here for more details about Sex Addiction.

Multi-Dimensional Therapy: Six Resources for Healing

  • Presentations – providing an overview of the six resources for healing.
  • Workshops, Seminars, and Consultation – on utilizing the six resources for healing to assess strengths, deficits, and dysfunctions, to clarify options for work with patients as a basis for developing, implementing and refining a treatment plan.

Click here for more details about Multi-Dimensional Therapy.

Jewish Psycho-Spiritual Education

Workshops and Seminars on the following topics:

  • Faces of Light: the Evolution of our I-Thou Relationship with God
  • Mirrors in Time: The Psycho-Spiritual Journey through the Jewish Year
  • The Neurobiology of Teshuva
  • The Neuroscience of Musar

Click here for more details about Jewish Psycho-Spiritual Education.

Contact Joel:
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(617) 965.3932